Kunjalata’s Bio-Data

Father's Name Krupasindhu Mishra
Husband's Name Guru pratap Narayan
Present Address Venunad kala Kendra,plot no-85, Bankey bihsri colony,vrindsvsn,mathura,(u.p) E-mail:pratapnarayan_2005@yahoo.co.in Ph. No-0565-2456191,9897241982
Permanent Address Venunad kala Kendra 85,bankey bihari Colony,vrindavan,Mathura(u.p)
Date of birth 15th April 1982 (jajapur,Orissa)
Religion/ Nationality Hindu/Indian
Marital Status Married
Language Known Oriya,Hindi & English
Academic Qualification B.Mus.& P.G(M.Mus.)odissi dance from Utkal Sangeet mahabidhya laya,Urkal University of Culture, Bhubaneswar ,Orissa ,M.phill,ph.d in Odissi dance
Professional qualification Passed alankar 1st year from akhil bhartiya Gandharva mahavidalaya,Mumbai
Other qualification Odissi mardal
Dance forms known Odissi and folk dance
Guru "Guru sri Pitambar Biswal"
"Guru sri durgacharan ranbir"

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The Kendra is Regd. Trust by Govt. of India. The heritage of India.

8 September 2011

The Kendra is Regd. Trust by Govt. of India. The heritage of India.

7 September 2011

The Kendra is Regd. Trust by Govt. of India. The heritage of India.